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In 2025, the Menace crest has been refreshed to modernize the mark without changing its original integrity. The process was to simplify and strengthen its presence.

The Menace logotype has been given strength by removing the jagged points, one at a time, allowing the original integrity to remain but creating a modern version.  A stronger border has also been added to embolden the red type and give the logotype more presence.

In updating the face, jagged points and shapes have been removed that were small allowing the remaining shapes to do more work and be stronger. The eyes, nose, and lips have also been enhanced, allowing them to be more visible and increasing the fierce look of the face.

The updated flame, inspired by the original art, adds energy and power to the mark and compliments the fierceness of the face. 

Finally, the addition of the stars sit perfectly on top of the head as a proud crown of the team's accomplishments and rich history of success on the pitch.

Horizontal Logomark


Secondary Logomark


1994 - 2001; 2024 Seasons

2002 - 2005 Seasons

2006 - 2021 Seasons

2022 - 2023 Seasons