Junior Menace is a seven-week developmental program for young soccer players, ages 3 to 9. It is a program designed for all ability levels, and we definitely encourage beginners! This is a great program to learn basic soccer skills if your child has never played before.

We are different than other soccer programs.

Each Junior Menace site is led by coaches who are currently playing soccer in high school, at a select club level, at the college level, or we utilize our current Menace players (when they are available).

Our program is based off of a curriculum geared to teach soccer skills and development to players in the 3 to 9 age range. It also helps educate our coaches about what to expect mentally, developmentally and physically from players in the age range of our program.

We value your time and money.

Junior Menace is part of the Menace Soccer Foundation, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, so we work to keep the cost of our program as affordable as possible. The cost of each player's registration goes to cover the cost of jerseys, equipment, coaches, supplies, field/gym rental, and maintenance expenses.

Junior Menace is an important part of the Menace's mission to grow the sport of soccer in Iowa and to spread the excitement of the world's game!